Monday, March 28, 2011

This is one of the hills out in  Tehachapi.  Trust me there are tons more!

My Comp was vacuuming!

That's Uncle Haynie! He's helpin me make Blintzes!

My companion was trying to think up what to do for the day?

Companion is exhausted from being sick

Our Bedroom

Our New Arrangement of our desks!

This is our fine collection of prophets!

This is me goofin around! :D

My comp wasnt sure about our bedroom setup... :/

That's my St. Patty's Day Tie!


Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2011 13:27:17 -0700
Subject: Bing Bang Walla Walla Ching Chang
I dont know why my subject says that...
HELLO! Everyone Reading This Letter!
Its yet another great day to be a missionary.  Like last week, this week has been somewhat difficult.  I will get to that after I answer my mothers questions.  She says...
 #1. How is your health?
My Health right now is ok... Yesterday i wasnt feeling so hot.  I woke up with a cough.  and i didnt feel great.  The later it got, i got body aches, and chills, and i've had a runny nose.. Not fun.  Looks like i'm getting what my companion got.  Except i handle it better.  When i went to bed last night i drank NyQuil, and wore a hoodie, socks, PJS, everything.  To sweat it out.  This morning is P day... Yeah i had to get sick on P Day... But i feel a lot better.  My chest hurts a little bit and i have a cough, other than that i'm still playin games! You know me :)

#2. Do you like Tehachapi?  I met a man at work who grew up in Tehachapi and he said that there is a prison there now and that the community is perhaps not as nice as it used to be because of it.  What do you think of the people there?
There is a prison out here, in the Bear Valley ward, which is closest to the prison, we teach TONS of people who work at the prison.  There are lots of memebers who work at the prison too, so it makes it easy when we find someone new to teach, they already know half the ward because they all work at the prison together! But i do like tehachapi besides the weather.  I'm finding it hard to connect with people because i'm no goat roper.  But i'm finding ways. I'm warming up.

#3.Did your companion like the blintzes?
 Yes, my companion loved the blintzes i made,  of course he did, they are god sent.  For some reason they were way good... i dont know why? Maybe its because i havent had them in so long... but they were quite tasty! Elder Haynie says i need to make them for my wife on our honey moon haha.

#4.How is your weather – anymore snow?
 The weather up here is ok... And sorry if you cant read this because its yellow... but the weather is ok... its cold and windy most of the time, but everyone says it will warm up soon.  I'm sick of rain, snow, and wind!

#5.Are you happy?
What kind of question is this? Of course i'm happy! haha I'm in the lords work!

#6.Do you like teaching the gospel – and how many families have you taught?
Hmmmmm.... yes i like teaching, i dont do much teaching, i usually add what i think, but i think i've got some good insite.  But i'm slowly getting into it.  We are teaching a few people.  THere is a lot of less active work out here because no one does there stinkin' home teaching...  But as for investigators we are working on 4.  One is a 9 year old girl whose whole family is mormon and we set her with a baptismal date the other day.  The other is an old magician/Hypnotist.  he's way cool, and not really progressing... he's a big bang kind of guy.  Another is a girl named Amanda who is going to school, Rehab, and she has lots of kids.  Two of them were just baptized! So now she wants in! and she has a baptisimal date. and the last ones that we are struggling with is Heather And George.  They are looking for a church to take their family to.  But Georges mom is catholic and doesnt want them to go to the mormon church.   So we havent gone to church.  They keep going to a non denominational church.  But i know if they come to church they will convert.  Those are really only Progressing Investigators though.

#7.What service have you given this week?
This week we havent done any service... Comps been sick. so we could only go to set appointments. 

#8.Are you getting letters and emails from other people as well as me?
I am getting lots of emails from friends and stuff.  I love it.  Its great.  Letters.... Not so much.  I'll have to add my direct address on here.  It will change in a few months but if i put it on here you'll be able to send me letters and packages a lot quicker. instead of stopping in ventura.
21311 Golden Hills BLVD. #D
Tehachapi, CA 93561
That will change in a couple months but if you send it there i  will get stuff faster.  I'll let you know when it changes again though!
I cant believe Chase is already getting married! That's cool.  And Tommy never liked me anyways... haha but that's cool that he's walking!
Now for my part of the letter. 
First off.... SCOTT GET MY STINKING SHOES AND SEND ME THAT STINKIN BAG!!!! haha come on man! you know how long i've been waiting?!?! Like 2-3 Weeks!
So in my journal, i dont write a lot.  I put bullet points and then i type the detailed stuff to you.  That way you can just print these emails and i can have my missionary journal when i get home... Smart eh? I know....  So lets see what happened this week.  Tuesday, I was Extrememly Sore from monday funday.  I havent run and jumped that much in forever! So i was a little out of shape... but now its awesome cuz i have so much more energy.  Also on Tuesday we went to the church and the young women were having a little beauty run way thing... Modest Catwalk thing? Heck i dont know?  Anyways we poked our heads in the door and some lady told us to get on stage and strut our stuff... Super cool.... Not.  It was like the whole stake, every girl.  and then we had to get on the mic and say what our favorite part of modest girls are... Lets just say I drew a blank..  But i came up with something quick because that's what i'm best at... right?
Anyways, so my companion was putting off his sickness and then he decided to call the doctor.  Doctor told him he had a bacterial infection and the doctor ordered him some pescription that he just finished and he seems all better.  Then yesterday is when i started feeling sick... woo hoo. 
The doctor said he could only go to set appointments.  So he stayed in and set appointments but every single appointment we scheduled, cancelled.  It's a sign from god to not try and work when we're supposed to rest i guess?  And now elder Snarr is sick. He's on the same treatment plan as my Companion. He'll be ok, he coughs so much that it makes him throw up though... Not good.  Doctor told both of them to stay in for 4 days.  So its been kind of slow.  A guy in our ward who is a doctor wants to check Pulham to see if he has walking Pnuemonea... No bueno!
I read that George Q. Cannon stuff that mom gave me before i came out, and i want his book.  Whatever book it came from i want you to send that to me.  Its really interesting. and i wanna read it.  So send it to me. Cuz i cant buy it... I'm broke.
Tax Return? :D
Hmmm what else has happened around here? I bet my companion he couldnt do 50 curls with a 48LBS Bar in 3 mins.  I told him i'd give him a tie if he did it.  He did it :( haha i lost my tie.  I was impressed.  But it didnt look easy.  haha.
Oh yeah! Sister Holloway asked me my first day what was my favorite dessert, and the only thing that came to mind was home made oreo cookies.  And she made them for me! They were so gooooood ! Just like home! :D
Ummmm on the 25 the Holloways also took us out to dinner.  We went to a Mexican place that was PRETTY TASTY! haha
So I'm tying to stay in shape... And get some muscle, bulk up a bit.  So what i've been doing is waking up at 6:30 (When i'm not sick) and i go and boil about 4-5 eggs.  I do a good work out, take a shower and eat my eggs as i study.  haha my companion complains at me because the apartment smells like eggs in the morning and he says i'm gonna get fat... But i wont! I'll be YOLKED!
One day we got really bored because of all our cancellations, so we stayed at home and cleaned it, took out 2 loads of garbage, and vacumed and reorganized our apartment, its great!
hmmmm oh Send me my Patriarchal blessing too! I cant remember where i put it? Its in a box, you'll never find it, but see if you can go to the patriarch and get a copy.  I really could use it.  Its like the only thing i forgot to bring with me! DOH!
Funny story about yester day.  We were sitting in sacrament meeting, and there is a guy who's name is Joe, and he kind of reminds me of Brother Brackett.  Except an older version of him.  So he's hard of hearing.  But in any other way, he's exactly like brother brackett.  Sly humor, rides a motorcycle.  He's just cool.  Anyways. In sacrament they were playing the intro to "God be with you till we meet again" and then when the organ stopped for us to get ready to sing, Joe, in just that little tiny space of silence, says really loudly "I REALLY LIKE THIS SONG!" Everyone started laughing, it was hilarious. 
Hmmmm I cant really think of anything else to say?  There's not much else going on? Except that i think i will start feeling better by tomorrow.  I'm takin care of it.  I'm out of money so i'll be eating snacks this month... haha my first month here wasnt very good on money.  I was buying things i needed.  and ran out of money.. plus they told me the wrong amount i had in my account, so all my money budgeting was all for not... Stupid... i thought i was doing great! haha Anyways, i'll get more money this month and if you tell me when you put in my tax return i'll be able to use that if i really need it.
Besides that, i love you all and miss you all.  and i'll be back before you know it.  Can you believe that i've been out for like... over a month and a half now? thats Stinkin bizzare!  Only 23 more to go... PFT!
Elder Crapo
P.S. here's a challenge for Dad!  You have to write an email to me AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH otherwise i wont write my weekly emails home. Ok? :D  Its not hard. even if its just a one liner, just tell me how the garden is doing, the green house, the black ops, the halo reach, the................. back pains, the work.  Anything! OK? So when you feel like plopping down in your cumfy chair and playing solitare, remember your favorite child is out serving the lord and some encouragement from his father would be great :D Love ya!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

This is my first area Tehachapi!

I thought this was pretty cool.  There have tons of HUGE ramps up here that they use for BMX and Skateboarding comps!  These ramps are HUGE they use them for the XGAMES.
These are all those stinking windmills i was tellin you about!
Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2011 13:25:40 -0700
Subject: Elder Crapo Reporting
Hello Family and Friends!
It is yet another great day to be a missionary.  This week has been pretty stellar... Not.  Its been rough.  I'll tell ya all about it.  I'm glad to hear you're all doing well.  I like getting emails and reading them.  Keep em' comin!
Lets see....  I have a list.  Things i write down every day to tell you about. 
So monday was the day i wrote you and after all our fun and stuff we stopped off at mcdonalds heading home and we picked up some ice cream (McFlurry) and i woke up in the middle of the night and i had food poisoning! it was sooooo bad.  Worst i've ever had it before. I was at the toilet allllll day, Coming out of both ends haha!  And then when i lost my load, i was thinking i needed to drink water so that i didnt get dehydrated,  so i tried drinking water and i threw that up, i tried drinking gatorade and i threw that up, i tried eating toast and threw that up... it was horrible, i felt so bad.   So i stayed home all day and recovered.  Sucked on ice cubes to get better. i seriously thought i was going to have to go to the hospital cuz i couldnt retain any water! My companion wasnt feeling very well either... he threw up later that night outside.  They dragged me to the store and stuff. i thought i was going to lose my cookies right there on the floor.  Man, it was so bad...  any ways, i woke up the next day and felt a lot better.  The night before the other elders gave us a blessing so that really helped, we were just a little queezy.   So i watched what i ate.  Now i'm at full health.  Except my companion has been EXTREMELY sick for the past 2 or 3 days.  So we have spent most of our time inside.  He's had a fever, and head ache, and stuffy nose, and really bad body aches, Chills, sweats.  Its been rough.  But i've been taking care of him.  Poor guy was sick on his birthday... but i made him food and stuff.  I've also been pounding down the zinc and vitamin C cuz i dont wanna get sick no more!
Lets see, i need to keep going down my list... I forgot to tell you about my flight! The flight was good.  Except when we were pulling into santa barbara.  It was so windy i thought the plan was going to crash, no joke, i could see the coast below me and i was getting ready to rip my seat off to use it as a flotation device haha!
Me and my companion did our shopping the night i was sick.  And i got enough stuff to make blintzes.  I was going to make them for my comps birthday but he was too sick.  so i'm saving it for another day. 
So St. Patricks day was pretty sweet... not. i didnt do anything, i bought a fat mini tie from wallgreens and it said "You're as  irish as you wanna be" and then the other guys in our companionship said "Rub me for good luck" and "Kiss me i'm irish" and we wore them to district meeting.  We didnt get any pictures because my companion was embarrassed.  but i'll send the tie home.  But on St. Patty's day i went on exchanges.  Which was not fun.  I got sent down to Bakersfield with Elder Tomlinson.  He's a pretty cool guy but it wasnt the same.  I was just getting used to my companions so i wasnt a fan of leaving.  But it was good, the weather there is... warm.  The air quality was... disgusting haha! So i spent a night there and then came home the next morning. 
The night i got back i cut my hair... haha i probably wont do that again, my head is so round.  I did a number 2 on the side and a number 5 on top.  And it looks ok, but i look like i'm in the military so i gotta go get my hair done some place.  Then the next night, we were working in bear valley ward, and this ward has a place called stallion springs and its fenced off. its a country club place... its weird but kind of cool,  a whole bunch of rich people live there.  But we visited a family down there and they took us to way nice restaurant.  I felt spoiled and out of place.  Too fancy for my liking. 
If someone can get a hold of logans parents and get me his address i'd like that.  I need to write him.  I'm betting his email is but if not then oh well, he lives in samoa... they dont have computers there anyways!
So you might say we have it pretty easy... i mean a chevy colorado.... and i see a chiropractor every week and he is fixing all my headaches, seriously.  He gives missionaries free adjustments once a week, and he has performed miracles on my neck, and now i dont get head aches as often. Its awesome!
Oh and i met a guy, his name is Brother Bethkeye.  He's the word mission dude.  He works in movie production and right now he's working on Fast5.  He showed us a clip of what he does.  He's mostly the guy who sets cars and stuff up to be totalled.  Like in the begining of Fast5 i guess the main guy is going to prison on a bus and all his buddies go get him out of the bus buy flipping it.  He showed us the raw material of the bus flip! IT WAS SWEET! so if you go see that movie, you can say i met a guy who helped make that bus flip. and.... he's worked on tons of other movies, but i didnt ask.   I gotta make good with him so i can get a job.  He says its a really rough life style on your family though :( he is always away from home.  Very demanding hours.  I told him i wanted to be an editor and he said that would be better.  They have it a little easier. 
Hmmmm.... So to answer some of mothers questions
#1. are you eating well?
Yes. I'm eating out almost everyday... haha jk.  We eat a lot at the apartment.. Sandwhiches and what not.  But i havent weighed myself this week.  I'm too scared.  But I work out a lot.  Today we had monday fun day with the YSA. its way fun.  Its just like being back in young mens playing dodge ball.  They call me spider man haha! Cuz i jump so high! Woo hoo!
#2. How is the weather?
The weather is horrible! It was blowing so hard yesterday outside! and it blew down some power lines and we lost power while we were asleep.  Good thing my companion was sick and we didnt need to be anywhere.  and then there was tons of rain.  There were rivers going down the street haha! and now when i woke up this morning there was a good 2-3 inches of snow.  yeah... kill me haha jk.  Its cool we have a chevy colorado to get around in ;) hahaha i love that thing!
 #3.Did you get the recipe book?!!
Yes i got it, my comps think its genious.We'll get cooking out of it soon.
#4.  Did all your bedding work out OK?
Yes, its awesome i love the colors! and they keep me very warm.
#5.  Are you warm enough? 
Yes i just said that.
#6. Do you need anymore bedding?
No but just the things i asked for last time. My awesome basketball shoes, a huge green army bag. and presents!
#7.  Are your clothes still fitting beings you have gained 15 lbs?! 
Yes of course, i'm actually fitting into them, i bought them a bit bigger because i was worried i might gain a few pounds out here.
#8. Are you getting used to getting up early and going to bed early? 
Yes. Getting up and going to bed is simple.  I Really enjoy the study time in the morning, helps me prepare for the day.  I feel more comfortable talking to people when i know what i'm talking about.  And going to bed early is no problem either.  I crash everynight!
Other than these things.... i dont know what else to say other than i'm learning tons, meeting way awesome people, Having a blast.  My testimony is so strong now.  I feel like my farewell talk was total trash and had i wrote it knowing what i know now... everyone would have been crying like babies haha just kidding.  there's always my homecoming talk.  Hey and i let my Mission President know that if he feels he should send someone to Japan to help with the disasters over there... I'm his man haha.  Any ways. I love you all.  And i'll see you all in like.... 22.5 months? Right? man!? TIME IS FLYIN!?!?!?!  I COME HOME SOON!!! wow.... haha just kidding.
Love you all!
Peace out!
Elder Crapo!

Monday, March 14, 2011

3/14/11 Email

From: Samuel Crapo []
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2011 11:00 AM
Subject: Hello Everyone
HOLA! or i mean HOWDY
i hope you guys are excited to hear from me. I'm in TEHACHAPI. its just like utah. Tons of cowboys and mountains, and cows, and farms... not what i was expecting when i came to california.  But the drive here was cool. My companion Elder Pulham is awesome, he's a proffessional roper and he's from payson utah.  And he drove us home from transfer meeting.  Since we live up here in the mountains we get to drive a Chevy Colorado! Sweet huh? Who knew i'd have a truck as my mission vehicle! Its pretty dope.  The ride here was awesome, i got to see citris feilds and the ocean and out here in Tehachapi there are wind mill farms.  TONS of wind mills. hundreds. everywhere!
Anyways if you dont already know i got out to the mission field monday, and my companion from the MTC didnt make it, poor old guy had back problems and woman problems, he's a stud though. Went and taught some people my first night.  And then i went to Tehachapi where i'm in the church writing this email.  Me and my companion cover two wards.  So sundays are CRAZY.  Church was SOOOOOO long, but its ok. My Second day here i got chased out of a house with a gun.  This guy named Randy burst out of his house with a pump action rifle and yelled "I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU MISSIONARIES TO NEVER COME BACK" i just stood there like "What the heck is going on?" And my companion was already half way down the street.  All is well though. Randy's wife is an active member and he loves the missionaries.  They were tryin to trick me but i kept my cool.
The first day i got here, i was able to wash some clothes, the other two missionaries that are up in Tehachapi have a washer and dryer. so we are able to do laundry whenever we want.  Its nice.  But first night here we went to all the scheduled appointments.  It was nerve wracking, but i'm breaking out of my shell and me and my Trainer (My Daddy) are having a good ol' time.  I'm getting an accent out here i swear! Everyon has an accent and its growing on me. 
We taught a lesson to a mother and father, they've been investigating the church for a while.  But they have never committed to anything... We invited them to church last time, and the spirit was way strong, the mother was crying. and then when we called them saturday to make sure they knew where the church was, they said they were going to a different church... We were pretty angry. but we'll gettem!
I'll have to take a picture next to a lancaster sign. They are all over! I'm right next to Bakersfield and Lancaster. so yeah i'm way close.  I'm in ONE of the THREE places that it snows out here... Figures huh? Its so dumb haha.  Some days are nice, some days are chilli.  But for the most part... there hasnt been any snow, and i'm ok with that.
I think i've gained around 15 lbs? all the scales are different that i try.  But its ok, i look good.  Not fat, i  work out everyday. we have some weights at the apartment..
My companion is amazing at roping and he's teaching me how, because we have a youth thingy where we'll be roping and tying and stuff... so i'm gettin' goooood.
Ummmm i've done some service, there is a lot of service to be done out here... there was a guy who had an electrical line from the box going to his house, and it was buried, but not protected and GOPHERS ate through it, they had been running on a generator for a month! and this guys property line is HUGE! like its about 3 or 4 football fields from the box to his house, so he's got a big ol' digger thing and we went and helped protect the line and bury it, we're going back today to put up fences and stuff. it was SO FOGGY, it was awesome!
Its so weird, the kids here are so mature, the kids back home are a bunch of shy wimpy babies but i could carry a conversation with a toddler here! And we went to a blue and gold banquet which was pretty fun.  And everyone knows about sandy utah here! Some guy was wearing a Beetdiggers shirt at the blue and gold banquet.  I feel like we drove to another part of utah... i'm in california right? And the other day we went to this ladies house, sweetest lady in the world, SO NICE. she played ping pong with me, mind you she's in her like... 80's and she just loves missionaries.  Gets permission to hug them.  And she tears up when she talks aobut the past.  She's just so cute.  and her and her husband used to make these little wooden things, like homemade train set, or windmill or fort and they would have a scriptural message on the inside, and her husband is WAY sick, he has cancer and she gave me one.  And THEN! i was walking through her house looking at the pictures of her grandkids and i GRADUATED with one of her grand daughters! I was like HEY!!! i know her, so they called her up and the girl thought it was so crazy! it was Brooke Steenblick... If anyone reading this knows her, i met her grandparents! And they are so aweomse!
I really like the mission... but what i hate are all the meetings. Such a waste of time... and my companion only hase about 3 months left so he's trying to get as much done as possible so he forgets about food, and we went to a members house and it was about 8 or 9 and she was like have you eaten? and i said no... and she whipped me up 3 omlettes and scolded my comp haha he just gets really involved in his work.  He doesnt want to leave, but his girlfriend waited for him, her name is Shelby. and he'll marry her so fast off his mission.
Everyone i speak to tells me i'm in the best zone, and that it is all downhill from here... literally... i'm in the mountains haha.  but also the work is so much harder anywhere else. 
Hmmmm what else could i tell you.... The other night me and Elder Haynie, he's a missionary that serves here too, me and him took the top off of a nerf gun bullet, and put a tac in there and melted it in place with electrical tape.... yeah that thing is SO LETHAL no joke.  We are planning on hunting squirrels and birds.  and get this! my companion used to see quail in the road, and hit them with the truck, then pick up the bodies, throw them in the back and eat them that night haha he's so crazy!
Now for the things i need.... So SCOTT pay attention.  Cuz you can do this stuff easy.  I need you to go the the ARMY SURPLUS store and pick me up one of those big bags that you can toss all your crap into... you know what i'm talking about right? Just like a duffel bag kind of but its just an army bag, usually green i think?  My laundry bag is a fail, it rips and tears, so if you could please go get me one and send it pronto! I neeeeeeed it.  and also i need you to go to my stuff and find the skinny little box that has "Sam's Shoes" in it, i need my red white and blue basketball shoes.  Send those pronto too... haha my new leather Chucks are already so trashed :( I'll buy some when i get back though.... SO Scott! That's your task, i need them please! I blew a hole in my running shoes, like the little air pockets in the back... yeah everytime i take a step it pushes out air and makes funny noises.
and..... tax return, dont forget to do my taxes and put it in checking please :) i budget my money pretty well.  I'm gonna make my comp. some crepes cuz he doesnt even know what a crepe is, and i'll make him blintzes. My comp eats a dozen pickles every night... its sick haha.
other than that... i cant think what else. Just send me packages and letters. i like it.  When you send mail make sure it is first class forever stamps, and if you send packages make sure you do Priority mail through the US Postal service otherwise it takes months to get to me!
Oh yeah, logan leaves next week i think? Kid's a rebel. he was listening to music and stuff in his residence at the mtc haha he's funny.  Got some pictures with him!
I'll try and attach pictures now. ok attaching pictures didnt work, i'll try and send them to sarah and she'll put them on the blog!
Love you all and i'll see you later.
My address is
California Ventura Mission
260 Maple Ct. Ste. 120
Ventura, CA 93003

Letter from Sam and mission president



Thursday, March 3, 2011


From: Samuel Crapo []
Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2011 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: Hello!

Its funny you mention the news thing, when the news lady walked up the stairs on 2 news and introduces the MTC, as all the missionaries are walking behind her i was RIGHT behind her, so if they showed that i was there, or they might show that in general conference so keep an eye out for me, i said hi to the lady! WOO HOO.
Yeah i leave this monday, the 7th. early in the morning, we stop in denver which is weird so a 45 minute flight gets turned into a 2 hr flight... haha figures.. anyways, the next time you hear from me will be monday, i'll call you from the airport, i'm not sure what this card thing you are talking about is, but if you want me to have it send it NOW! and about the money... i dont even understand what you did with the money? If its in my account or not because i swear i'm missing some... or something? i'll use my card if i need to for luggage, it told us we would be able to check 2 bags and a carry on for free....
Ugh, my comp just got called down to the health clinic again... i might have to ditch this email again, so i'll try and make it quick.

thank simon for the cupcakes i love em and so does everyone else! I'm known as the kid with the cupcakes round here haha! I Expect more! Just give me all the day olds simon!

Thank you very much for the package it was WELL NEEDED, dont worry i havent even used the nyquil yet, i just wanted it just in case. I sleep pretty well.. Besides the blankets and the worst part is having a great dream and waking up in the mtc... haha  The Hoodie is perfect, i wanted that one, i had one just like it! YOu guys got me a new one, its my favorite one. Thanks for all the goodies too! It was the best package ever!

There is a guy in our district named Elder Humphreys, he's cool, i told you about him, he got some cocoa bean cupcakes from someone... just thought i'd share that.

My companion had to get an MRI and i have been to many doctors offices with him, but thats ok i get a lot of studying done. They didnt see anything on the MRI so now he does physical therapy down at the provo hospital, where i also study lots and lots!

The pens you sent are perfect, i use the black ones more than any other so its just what i needed, they are so slick, and they erase so well!

The garments i told you i wanted i've changed! Besides the tops. Just the bottoms, the extra support are bomb! But i prefer the cotton poly, just make sure they arent ribbed, ribbed ones are just weird.

i dont know if you want pictures or not... if you do let me know.  I've got that 8 GB card... it will last me a LONG time, i dont actually take that many pictures... but i got some good ones, if you feel i need to send some just let me know and i will.

I've gotten so much collar burn from my shirts that i've burnt a mole off my neck, it hurt the first week and now its just a scab, its great. haha.

The weather sucks, its usually cold and whenever i wake up its like 8 inches of snow outside... its lame

It was funny the other day i was looking through logans camera at the pictures hes taken, and i swear! he had a picture of a big ol' pill in one of his tator tots! It was nuts, they are drugging us here!

And the Air fresheners you sent have been a HUGE HUGE HUGE Addition to the room.  it smells great, especially since the fiber bars are doing as provided as well haha, me and elder barney were tearing it up last night, everyone hated us...

other than all thos things, i'm sorry its kind of scattered, i have a little pad of paper i write all the things i need to tell you down, it just makes it quicker since i have a timer haha! I hate it! 

besides that i got a haircut by a cute young lady... and i have take several #2's so dont worry about that because every trip to the bathroom is glorious now thanks to the fiber bars.  If there are any questions you have dont forget to ask, it makes it easier to answer questions rather than trying to remember the things i've done this week.

So i'm curious to what you did with all that junk at the bottom of the stairs? i didnt want any of it... so make sure you didnt box that stuff. and i cant wait to see you all and call you! be ready, i'm not sure what time i will call. or who to call.... uh.... probably the only number i remember off the top of my head which is moms 9101120. dads is....i cant remember, so mom be ready haha you might want to send me more numbers just in case i need to ever call again! so keep your phone on mom! I dont remember any other numbers.

Well i'm in the laundry room right now... and i dont know what else to say, i have four minutes left.... SO good bye family.  Go see Battle: Los Angeles on the 16 or 14th? i dont remember, i just remember it looked SICK!!!!! love you bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye be safe, i pray for you long time.

Love Elder Crapo

PS to simon: Later Little Dude