Tuesday, October 16, 2012

113 Degrees

Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2012 11:44:37 -0700
Subject: 113 Degrees
From: samuel.crapo@myldsmail.net

Hello Family And Friends!
Today is monday and i'm writing you... duh!  How are you all doing?  I miss you all very very much!  Its so crazy how fast the weeks go.  I feel like i was here yesterday writing emails and now here i am again!  Jeeze!
This week was a pretty good one.  Last monday a bunch of elders came down and we got to play some sports.  That was pretty fun.  I got to see Elder Goudy.  He was in simi when i was there.  He's a good guy.  Super Crazy.  But it was fun being around him again.  We dont get to do too much on P-days because we dont have a car and our area is pretty small.  Plus there are no missionaries to hang out with out here! 
Tuesday was pretty good.  We had some good appointments.  Got to do a little service pulling weeds for an elderly lady in the ward and we got to meet some new people in the area.  We had dinner with the Tydriszewski (tid-dra-chef-ski) family.  They are super cool.  Super young family, just had a baby 3 months ago.  I already love them a lot! They are so cool.  He's a big comic book fan and loves star wars.  I dont know if i mentioned his house in past emails but he has a room dedicated to JUST starwars things.  TONS OF TOYS EVERYWHERE! its insane. I'll snap some pics next time i'm there. 
We also had a meeting with our ward mission leader.  He is pretty awesome.  Brother Branson.  Their house is kind of busy though becasue his daughter just got married on Friday. 
In district meeting we were told that we were no longer allowed to play sports...  On p day we can.  But any other day with investigators and stuff we are not allowed to.  That STINKS! But i go home in 6 months. I'm glad i got to do it for the first 18! I really took advantage of it.  It was fun.  But i guess too many missionaries were getting injured and the missionary medical was having a hard time keeping up with the doctor bills.  Stupid missionaries.  If they get hurt, say you fell off your bike or something...  Now we all have to suffer.
We had a couple of flat tires  this week, it was pretty funny because we worked on Elder Fernandez's tire a whole bunch, got a new tube in it, went to the gas station, filled it up, came back home, parked the bike, and then his new tire exploded.  So we had to do it all over again,  he's got a "hand me down" bike right now..  My bike is holding up really well.  The only thing that is wrong with it is the seat.  Its so small and hard i'm worried i may not have forever families with a seat like this.
The irish's (the people who own our apartment) took us to red robin for dinner at the mall.  And while we were there we stopped off at Macy's because elder fernandez wanted to pick something up.  And it was so weird being in there.  I never want to work at that place ever again! ha ha!
We also talked to the Irish's daughter in law who lives just behind us, and i noticed their garage was always open and inside they have a weight lifting bench.  So i asked if we could come work out on it at nights and they said yes.  I'm so happy!  Finally can get a good work out! :D
I also got to go to a Christian store this week. I picked up a W.W.J.D. bracelet since i gave my last one to Deborah in Atascadero.  So now i'm back to normal!
We did a lot of walking and it was REALLY hot.  We were on our way back to our apartment when some guy and his wife and small child in the back pulled over and asked if we needed a ride and we accepted.  They were super nice.  His family are all members but not from the area and they felt like Dry mormons.  So elder fernandez was writing down their information and when he gave us his address it sounded familiar.  So i looked in my planner for his address and i found it on the back where i keep the important stuff. and his address was under "AVOID" ha ha i guess this guy is super anti and when to an open house once and just preached anti stuff.  Offended a lot of people.  There was a note about him in the area book that said dont go around them.  So they dropped us off and asked us to stop by.  Elder Fernandez was so excited that we had just found a golden family and i was like, what is his address again? and he told me and i showed him my planner and he was pretty upset.  We got played pretty good!
On friday it was supposed to be really hot.  Same with saturday.  But we decided to go tracting anyways.  We did about 4 hours of tracting.  I like tracting, its not effective AT ALL, but i like it because its exciting. You never know who is behind the door ya know?  But we were sweating to DEATH and  EVERYONE is super nice, always giving us water or taking the time to listen. I love it here.
IN the way of investigators we have 2 that are progressing.  One is a recent converts wife who came to church this week with him.  In meeting with her we asked what she expects out of our visits and she says that she hopes to be ready to be baptized some day.. Now i dont think she really has the desire to get that done any time soon, its not on the top of her list, but still its good!  And then we met with an older lady but she is a fireball she's so much fun!  She said she had been thinking a lot about what we are teaching her and she wants to come to church.  We hope to set her with a baptismal date next week!  We also had the Irish's Daughter In-law come to church.  She is not a member but her husband is, just a little less active is all.  But she's really interested in learning, but at her own pace.  She's making an effort to come to church and hopefully in the near future will take the discussions.
We also got to go to our ward mission leader's daughter's wedding reception.  It was fun.  The happy couple met at walmart in orem.  How precious.  Its so weird going to those things because those people getting married are MY age! GULP!  But it was a lot of fun and we met some really cool people.
It was pretty dang hot all week.  Probably the hottest month in bakersfield says the locals.  They wonder why we are on bikes?  The Zone Leaders told us that on friday and saturday it stayed around 113 - 114 degrees constantly in the afternoon! Ha ha! It all feels the same after 100 degrees anyways.  I really like it though.  I think my favorite temperature is high 80's.
Anyways.  I'm loving where i'm at.  Everyone treats you like you've been here a really long time, like, lots of people already love us.  I like it here a lot.  I'll be sad to go.
Thanks for all your support.  If you ever get the chance write me! Or send me packages! or something? I only have 6 months left so dont put it off ;) i love you guys lots and miss you tons!
Elder Samuel Crapo

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