Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Transfer Calls

Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 11:44:43 -0700
Subject: Transfer Calls
From: samuel.crapo@myldsmail.net

Hello Family and Friends!
Today we got our transfer calls and i was a little nervous for the calls because i REALLY like this area a lot.  Me and my companion now both white washed into this area so it was pretty much up in the air as to who would stay and who would go.  But of course, as usual, i stayed! WOO HOO!  I was so happy to hear that.  my companion is going to East Bakersfield and I am getting Elder Scott.  Elder Scott evidently is serving in the two wards i served in, in Simi Valley.  I havent hear too great of things about him...  But i'm sure he cant be that bad.  Just a little socially awkward i guess?  But that's ok, I'll be the judge!  I'm excited for the change.  Being in the same place with the same person for so long can get a little boring or annoying, Elder Fernandez and I have had a pretty good time together though.  He's a good Elder and there are things about him i will miss a lot!  But change is good!
As for my week things have been pretty slow.  Work wise, there hasnt been much.  We see a lot of less actives and recent converts but as for teaching people we are still on the look out.  The lady we had progressing for the longest time told us she didnt want the lessons anymore, i think i told you about that last week.  We checked up on her this week and she didnt even invite us in, so i'm pretty sure she's done!  But maybe over time she will be ready!  We did some good tracting this week though.  We found a lady named Stella who said she didnt believe in God, but by the way she was talking it was as if she just didnt understand how God works, why he lets certain things happen, so she seemed more hurt rather than unbelieving.  She said she has a lot of questions and we set up an appointment to see her on Tuesday, So fingers crossed!  We also were walking to a members house this week and on the way there a guy in his drive way appoached us and asked for a card, said he wanted to know it all and stuff.  He seemed a little over the top, like he was talking to us to be funny or something... But we are going to go back and see him probably this week as well!
We did some service this week for brother Durrant.  We put in a water fountain for him. The one we broke last week.  We set it up and got the pump going to get the water to come out the right way.  So it looks ok. 
I had to go to the Dr's office this week, because when i first got here my Tailbone was killing me, and i still dont know what it was from? I said in the first transfer if it hurts i'd tell our mission dr, and so i did, and then it hurt after what he told me to do for another transfer and i went to another dr and he told me it was probably my Coxyx.  It has little like tendens? in there?  And sometimes if they can swell or get messed up, so he gave me a mild prescription and told me to buy a soft bikeseat ha ha! Mine was pretty hard... but i was used to it, i still dont think it was my bike seat that was the problem.  But i did.  And it feels great now.  Doesnt hurt at all.
We also went and did mor service for the Durrants later in the week.  He had a garage door that wasnt working that we tried to fix, and thought we did, but it broke again, so we left it alone since its can be a pretty dangerous job with the springs and all.  And then he said his car was leaking oil.  So we jacked it up and got underneath and determined that the oil pan was loose so we tightened it back up.  We also played a little bit in their backyard with their kids.  Taught his daughter how to throw a football and stuff. It was a lot of fun. They are still one of my favorite families.
Later that night we helped a family pack up big trucks because they were moving.  And it went good.  It was a lot of heavy lifting and stuff. But it went really well. 
What else happened... Hmmmmm  We had dinner with an older couple this week.  The Owens.  They are super cool.  Just older.  She is hispanic and he is white.  She made us this meal that was strange looking but SUPER good.  She dumped this Green stuff on our plates that looked like baby food.  Green Baby food.  Then threw some talapia in it with some tomatoe stuff and a keesh? i dont know what it all was? She said it was Secret Green Stuff.  Ha ha! 
Also on sunday during fast and testimony meeting, a guy was bearing his testimony and the Nancetts little 2 year old Evan, CUTEST kid ever, was running around as usual, and last week he ventured up to the podium because that's where his brother was, in the primary program.  So this week he goes up and was walking around up there, i see the dad standing up looking for Evan, and all the sudden the organ just starts BLARING  ha ha! Evan was walking on the Organ pedals right in the middle of this guys testimony! It was so stinking funny!
Well that was pretty much my week!  I'm so glad i'm staying in this area!  It is probably one of my favorites! I pick up my new companion tomorrow and i'm excited to go because i get to see a lot of missionaries i like give their farewell testimony tomorrow.  So it will be fun!
Thanks for all you guys do! If there was only one thing i'd ask for from you guys, it would just be some more letters :)  So if you have the chance! Please write! I love getting letters.
I love you all lots! I hope you are all doing well!
Elder Samuel Crapo

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