Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Halfway through the transfer

Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2012 13:42:17 -0700
Subject: Halfway through the transfer
From: samuel.crapo@myldsmail.net

Dear Family,

It has been a pretty good week so far.  Not too much has happened!  Uh.... On monday we had dinner with that guy who works at bolthouse farms.  They made us dinner and had like 5 different flavors of drink for us to try from.  That was sweet!

We had a pretty good week of contacting.  On tuesday we did a little tracting but it went really well for a change.  Found like 3 people.  We went back to go see one of those guys and whoever was there just closed the blinds and locked the door... so i dont think that was the guy we talked to at first. Because he was really cool and actually interested.  A lot of people are still sick.  We had a lot of dinners dropped off to us or a lot of dinners cancelled :(

Hmmm what else happened this week? I got to see one of our AP's play football on tv!  ha ha, i dont know if you remember clear back when i was a greenie that i went out on exchanges with Elder Bills.  Well he is a safety for BYU.  #20 Craig Bills.  And our ward mission leader showed us him a little bit on tv.  He had some pretty good tackles on special teams.

Ummm we met with our investigator this week and taught her the word of wisdom.  Committed her to stop drinking coffee.  It was kind of discouraging at first because she was convinced that she would never be able to do it... She said she's been drinking since she was 12 and now she's 70.  But we promised her blessings and told her god could help her through anything and we followed up with her the other day and she says the urge for coffee is gone!  Which was way good news!  She hasnt drunk it yet! I hope she can make it to the baptism date!

On saturday we were supposed to go see a whole bunch of people.  We had tons of appointments but almost all of them fell through.  The only one that didnt was with a catholic guy, who was so so nice. His family was so cool.  But he's so involved in his church that he's not really searching... Which stinks! He comprehended everything!  He almost fed us dinner like right on the spot too! It was sweet! But we had to go

We had other appointments but unfortunately they all cancelled.  Hopefully we will have better luck this week.

We had a good time at the Durrants house yesterday, played games, ate lunch and dinner, beat up their kids.  It was a lot of fun.

I'm doing pretty well out here.  There's not a whole lot going on to report on.  Its been a pretty slow P-day.  We arent allowed to hang with anyone in our zone, only our district.  The only people in our district are 2 elders that live an hours drive away and the sisters who we pretty much CANT hang with. ha ha!  But things are going ok. Its starting to cool down here.  I got mail quite a bit this week. I think i had something from someone at least every day.. It was really nice so all you who are writing me, Keep it up!

I love you all and miss you all! I will write you next week!  I hope you are all doing great!


Elder Samuel Crapo

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