Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I'm An Uncle!

Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2012 13:22:14 -0700
Subject: I'm An Uncle!
From: samuel.crapo@myldsmail.net

Hey Family and Friends!

This is Elder Crapo!  Sounds like things back home have been pretty insane. I was excited to get the news on saturday when i texted the guidos in simi to text scott to say happy birthday and then found out that Amy had the babies! that is SUPER early! but that is so cool! I'm glad they are doing well i cant wait to see those little guys :D  If you ever need to tell me something sooner just go ahead and text the guidos :)  That is their daughters phone number. Its Theresa! She is super cool and will forward any messages for me! I dont know if that is strictly by the rules... But i dont have much longer left and i promise i'm still super focused!  But Congrats to stuart and amy! I'm very excited for the both of you! Send me pictures when you can!

This week has been a good week! Not a whole lot has happened....  but it has been a good one!

We have been doing a lot of contacting and tracting and stuff. Everyone is SO NICE, but not really interested... which is a bummer. but i hope we get some more work soon.  The investigator we are working with still hasnt come to church yet.  She is just super scared i guess?  I hope she gets comfortable... we are trying new things to help her...  We only met with her once last week though.  

On tuesday we had a pretty funny split.  Well we were supposed to go on splits with the Priests and only one priest could come.  And it is brother kirks kid and he is a great kid and the whole time we spoke with them they were really concerned for him.  all we were going to do was eat dinner at a members house and he would share the message and then we were going to go to a part member family's house where he would just sit and watch and maybe bear testimony if he felt like it, but the reason his parents were so concerned were because of his biking skills.  I almost died laughing because as we were on our way to dinner this kid, who is 16, could not ride a bike to save his life!  He probably went 10 feet before he would just veer off path and crash or lose balance.  Poor kid, but gosh who doesnt know how to ride a bike?  We told brother T that we would be late to dinner and on our way there he climbed over his wall and took our bikes into his back yard and we hopped over to make the trip a little quicker.

On wednesday  we went to lunch with our district.  Which was super fun.  Our district is really small but we went to round table pizza and all had a good time.

ON friday night we went to the Durrants house for dinner.  They are probably my favorites. They have a daughter who is 15 and two boys just below her and it was a lot of fun.  The mom and dad are so funny and we have a lot of fun around them.  We watched a video  with them and then in turned into one giant epic pillow fight, running around the entire house just leveling each other with pillows and stuff. It was insane! SO MUCH FUN!    I wasnt feeling very good that day though and i think it was because i was drinking too much water.  So i bought a gatorade and it fixed me up pretty good.  I gotta make sure to buy more gatorade!  Otherwise all the water i drink flushes out all those minerals!

Saturday we did a ton of door to door stuff.  We had a good dinner at the Cosby's and we got some free juice from the Bywater family.  (he is the guy that works for bolthouse farms).

I think that is it for the substantial things... not a whole lot happened this week.  But its been good.  Transfers were today and i'm staying with my companion which i'm happy about!  We have a TON of people leaving and coming in!  Elder Lifungula is coming to this zone! Which i'm stoked about! Elder Hernandez is coming to this zone and i'm super stoked about that too, that kid follows me EVERYWHERE i go!  I love him! and.... we got a new sister, she came from a previous companionship but her comp went home and got moved over with two other sisters. But now one of the original sisters is leaving and she is staying.  Which is way cool!  She is awesome! She is from draper and her name sounds familiar so if anyone knows any Putnam's let me know cuz that is her name!

Anyways that is about it.  I miss all of you very much! I cant believe how fast this is all going!  I am having a great time in the extreme heat of bakersfield and everything is pretty good!

I love you all!

Elder Samuel Crapo

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