Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Transfer Calls :(

Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2012 10:49:09 -0700
Subject: Transfer Calls :(
From: samuel.crapo@myldsmail.net

Hello family and Friends,

Today is Transfer Monday and we got our transfer calls. Unfortunately i'm leaving Atascadero :(  I like it here a lot and there are a bunch of cool people i will miss.  And i'm Getting sent to South Bakersfield.  Aka the Ghetto or the Armpit of california....  I am white washing into another ward. And i will be on bike.  Who knows? This could be my LAST area...  My new Companions name is Elder Fernandez.  I dont know him.  But i hear he's cool.  He better be! ha ha.

Pray that i dont melt out there!

Anyways i better hurry i got a lot of stuff to do today. Here's how my week went.

Monday 7-16-12
It was P-day.  The Guidos drove up to see me!!! it was great! We were eating at A&W for lunch and i was talking to them on the phone.  They were supposed to meet us at a park and they said they were having a hard time finding it so i asked them where they were and they said they were right across the street from an A&W. ha ha.  I told them i was in there and they all screamed for joy and came over.  It was way good to see them!  We went to the park and played frisbee and stuff with them.  They took a TON of pictures.  

There was a really big fire going on in southern Atascadero.  It was crazy.  It was giving off a lot of smoke.

We went shopping with the guidos since they didnt really have any place to go.  And Ariana sat in my cart as i did my little shopping.  It was pretty funny having them around.

Then they took us to taco bell for dinner.  They are so stinkin funny.

We then went home and changed and went and saw Deborah.  She was cooking Dinner.  Bok Choy.  She made us try some.  She's a vegetarian and so she eats some strange things.  But we support her.

We taught her the Plan Of Salvation that night and it went REALLY well.  She really seemed to grasp it and loved it a lot better than the Heaven and Hell Choices.  While we were there we were petting her dogs and i looked at my hand and it was brown.  So i told her we would come over and wash them for her.

Tuesday 7-17-12
We went to brother micklesons in the morning.  He was a little more drunk than usual.  We helped him pick fruit for a little bit and then got some pictures with him in front of the windmill we helped build.  He was very sad that we were leaving.  We went inside and talked a bit while listening to some old western songs from movies and then said goodbye.  He had tears in his eyes as he said "Down The Trail boys!"

We then came home and ate some lunch.

We went to Kenny Gouff's house and he had a stump he wanted us to dig out.  Well he gave it a little kick and it seemed pretty loose so Elder Wood just pretty much ripped it out with his bare hands in a matter of 30 seconds.  Kenny has been trying to get that stump out for months, he said, and it was supposed to be about a 30 minute job.  But inside he was making some Walnut Chocolate chip cookies for a BBQ and he had to make about 100 of them so we decided to help make them.  Showed me some really good walnut cracking techniques ha ha.

Then we went to Deborah's house and washed her giant dogs.  It was good. Couldnt really get them completely clean but it was fun.  We took them on a walk to let them dry off and her dog just about killed another dog that came out to sniff it.  Her Great Dane gets jealous around other female dogs and it tried killing this other dog.  It took Deborah on a wild ride because she was holding onto the leash.  I had to run after it and pretty much climb on top of it and bear hug it to hold it back.  The owner was a little angry... but his fault for not keeping his dog tied up or anything.

Then we went home and showered.  We bought Deborah a ticket to a scout BBQ fundraiser and i totally forgot that she was vegetarian.  But she came prepared.  She had two veggie burgers.  But no place to cook it because the Scouts brought the food pre cooked.  Well there was another group of people in the park all drinking and what not and they had a bbq going so she asked if she could cook her burgers on it.  They let her but they werent very nice about it.  While we were there i also so a really old guy getting some excersize out in the park and he fell over.  He was REALLY old and when he fell it was like Slow motion and he couldnt get up.  It was kind of funny but i felt bad and ran over and picked him up.

We pulled the Frisbee out in the park and tossed it around a bit with Deborah because she really likes frisbee and then we went to the church and played basketball for a while.  I'm so horrible at basketball ha ha.

Wednesday 7-18-12
We picked up food in the morning from the Johnsons.

Went to district meeting.

We ate Burritos for lunch and then tracted a WHOLE street and only one door opened.

We picked up the Elders from an appointment and then we went to the Chiropractor in their ward.  He was really cool and did a WAY good job.  I felt so good after that.

We went to the Delbar's and picked up our dinner Calendar and then we drove to San Louis for dinner because we had to go to Santa Maria for Elder Wood. He had a Dr's appointment down there. It was pretty good. We ate at the Habit and we drove a total of 106 miles! It was quite the trip for a Dr's appointment.

Then we came home and i iced me legs.  I've been icing my legs because of my shin splints.  I empty out the garbage can and put cold water in there and then i have been freezing bottles of water so i cut the plastic off and put them in the water and soak my legs for a while.  It feels good... i dont know if its doing anything though? ha ha

But then i went to bed.  But i couldnt sleep.  I havent slept well for a while? It takes me forever to fall asleep and then i end up waking up late and it drives me crazy.  My mind is restless and i cant shut it off at night.  But throughout the week i've been trying different things to help and i think i have the cure so i'm no longer having sleeping problems. Sleep is CRUCIAL!

Thursday 7-19-12
We went to the Schiber's house in the morning. We mowed down some really tall weeds for them.  Then they made us lunch and they talked for a really long time.  But it was good. We got some pictures with them just in case for transfers.

We came home and showered and changed and then went to see our investigator Jessica. She's doing going and all we did was read "A Proclamation to the World" it was really good and she liked it.

Then we went and saw Gary.  He's doing really good.  We finished up 1Nephi with him.  

We went to Taco Bell because that is where Elder Marquez and Elder Hatch were since they serve up in paso.  And we gave elder Marquez his GPS back because we needed it for when we went to Santa Maria.  We chatted with them for a bit.  I love elder Marquez he's so dang funny.

We went to Deborah's but she wasnt home.  So we picked up dinner (nobody signed up on the dinner calendar) we got subway.

Then we went to see if Deborah was home again and she wasnt.  We kept going back because we were going to take her to ARP with us.  But she had a really rough and busy day.  So we went to ARP anyways and it was really good.

Friday 7-20-12
We did our weekly planning in the morning.  The other elders found some veggie tales and they watched a few of them.  It was pretty funny.  I hadnt seen those in forever.

After that we went out and contacted pretty much EVERYBODY we had written down.  We only got to see a few people.... But The Few people that we saw was good to see them.

We then had dinner with the Colleran's and that was good. We sat outside and ate and you could hear music playing from the Mid-State Fair up in Paso.  Its a big deal up here.  The Fair is supposed to be WAY good and the traffic is CRAZY!  They have some pretty good concerts up here too i hear.  This year they are having Earth Wind and Fire come up and so is Journey! Two way good bands right there.  Before they have had really famous people. Carry Underwood, Taylor Swift, Rascal Flatts and even Justin Beiber (unfortunately)  But its a really big deal.

Anyways after that we went the church where they were having a dancing thing going on.  It was pretty cool.  We convinced Elder Lifungula to go out and dance like michael Jackson and then they turned on thriller and he knew the dance to that song pretty well and started teaching people it. ha ha!

Saturday 7-21-12
In the morning we had sports with the Youth and that was good. We had a lot of fun there. We played Basketball and Volleyball.  We also took pictures with them.  I'll try and get some pictures sent if SARAH will post them you can see them :)

Then we went over to Deborah's and had a big Book Of Mormon study again.  It went really well.   Then we went to dinner at the Vriach's home.  They were having an early pioneer day party.  It was fun.  It was more like a pool party.  But us elders saw a horseshoe pit so we played horseshoes for a while.

Then we took off and went to see brother Murray.  He had just got back from his sons birthday party.  He said it was a blast.  They are really cool people.  They were showing us pictures and stuff from it.  It was pretty cool.  

After that we went to Deborah's house and she had just bought a new phone that didn't come with a manual so she had me explain everything to her and set it all up and what not.  We fed her horses with her and she made us some food.

After that we stopped off at Cathy's house and took out her garbage for her.

Sunday 7-22-12
We had church as usual.  Deborah didnt make it.  But Jessica did.  And then we went to dinner at the McCauley's house.  It was great.  

After that we went over to Deborah's house to see how she was doing.  She wasn't doing so hot that day.  She was a little tipsy and was very upset about something.  Probably about the fact that Transfers were coming up.  She was also very down on herself for drinking again.... Oh well you just gotta start over pretty much.  

Then we went over to a members home and gave a lady a blessing.  Then we came in.  We waited to hear who the New assistant would be.  I TOTALLY CALLED IT. Elder Schiess who writes my family every now and then is the new AP.  Along with another elder who has only been out a year.  Mega Brown Nosers, but cool guys. At least elder Schiess is... i've only met the other one once and he seems super fake. But still i called it.  I KNEW Elder Schiess would be the new assistant. 

Then we went to bed and in the morning we got transfer calls and i'm going to the armpit! woo hoo.....

Anyways that was my week!  Thanks for all the letters and support you guys send my way.  Feel free to send pictures because they are my favorite thing in the Universe!  I love you guys all and miss you bunches!


Elder Samuel Crapo

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