Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Lots of new work

Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2012 11:27:16 -0700
Subject: Lots of new work
From: samuel.crapo@myldsmail.net

Hello Family And Friends,

Its good to hear from a bunch of you this week and its good to hear about good news. This week has been a pretty good one. So here it goes!

Monday 6-25-12
It was P day.  Early in the morning we went to a members house to take out her trash.  And that was super.  Then we went and did emails.  We had to be in Pros clothes so that we could go to our lunch appointment with the Barrett's.  They signed up to take us out to lunch.  So they took us to the Asian Buffet.  And their granddaughter came too ((:D  Anyways that was good. So then we came back home.  Didn't have much money to do any shopping.  So we went to the park and tossed the Frisbee and rugby ball and stuff and my shins were killing me! I hate shin splints a lot.  I have been putting horse liniment on them EVERY NIGHT this week and they are starting to do better.  I've heard so many different things from different people.  Ice them, Heat them, Push on them... BLAH BLAH BLAH. I say horse liniment is the way to go! And its working.

We had dinner at the Platou's house and they are super awesome.  They have a HUGE dog named Tucker.  He weighed 118 pounds once.  And still looks like he weighs at least 100!  He was snoring all through dinner.  The Platou's are so nice.  They are converts to the church and are the nicest people in the world. 

That night the zone leaders came over and we had a mega exchange.  One zone leader went with us and one went with the other two.  So there were two tripans the next day.  They are a lot of fun though.  Some of the coolest zone leaders I've had.

Tuesday 6-26-12
We went to Brother Mickleson's in the morning and he said "TODAY IS REWARD DAY" so we went out and pretty much just picked fruit for ourselves.  Raspberries, blueberries, peaches, apricots, and in the future he will have black berries, plums, grapes and apples. I hope i can stay to enjoy those.  Elder Schiess was in heaven.  He was like "this is the best service I've ever done" because all we did was pretty much eat amazing fruit.  We shared a good message with brother Mickleson but he was a little drunk so he started falling asleep.  And he flat out tells us that he gets bored in our lessons so we usually don't try too hard ha ha.  He gave us money for lunch so we went over and got some Coney dogs at A&W with some draft root beers in those big mugs.  It was a good time. 

We came home and got dressed and ready to go out.  We went to Paso Robles to go see a referral.  She wasn't home but her boyfriend told us to come back later.  So we went and saw Gary.  We had a little lesson with Gary and it was good.  And then after that we got a call from That referral we tried to see earlier and told us to come over.  She has been taught for 6 months up in Chico.  She's really cool but has some weird views that really don't cope with the churches views.  The elders from Chico told us she was golden but boy does she need work.  I often wonder what they were even teaching her because a lot of her facts are not straight.  She lives with her boyfriend which is obviously a no no.  And she isn't going to do anything about it until she gets married and that wont happen for a long time.  So pretty much she doesn't know the church is true because if she did she would drop the guy, drop the drugs and get baptized and be happy.  So she needs work.  BUT Its good because she wants to be baptized and she's willing to talk to us and stuff so that is way good. New investigator WOO HOO!

After that we left and went to Deborah's house.  We had a little lesson with her and it was pretty good.  Really good actually. The spirit is always SO strong at her house.

We then went to dinner with a part member family.  It was good.  We shared a message and i pretty much flat out asked the husband, who is not a member, to investigate the church.  He said no.  But it was cool i knew he would ha ha, he's been asked before.   But i think its funny how missionaries freeze up in awkward moments like that but i think i'm pretty numb to it now and don't care.  I just want to find people to teach.  

After dinner we went to the Murray's house and shared a message with them. And then we came home.  It was a good day.  we had a lot of teaching.

Wednesday 6-27-12
We went to the Johnson's to pick up some grub!

Then we went to district meeting and it was pretty good.

We came home and didn't really have a plan.  But the other elders were going to service clear out in Creston.  So we went with them.  All wee did is build a patio out of blocks.  it was pretty easy besides the old fart who was standing over our shoulder telling us everything we were doing wrong ha ha.

We came back and got changed.  Went to dinner at the Mattice's home and had correlation while we were there.

Deborah cancelled on us because she got a little tipsy.  So we went over to see her and encourage her.  She took the bracelet off i gave her the night before and she drank the next day.  So i told her to go put it back on.  We didn't bother sharing to much with her because i don't think she would have remembered it.  But as she was taking groceries in i saw her try to hide some beer from us so i was like "do you have beer in the house" and she said "why do you make me lie to you?" ha ha i was like are you going to drink that beer? and she said "Why do you make me lie to you?!"   and i asked her if she would give it to me so i could take care of it for her.  So she did.  She gave us her beer, and was like petting it and saying goodbye to it as she gave it to me.  She was like can i at least have one? that's expensive stuff.  but i said no. I really can see her changing.  I know she can.  But its hard i understand it.  So then i got home and poured all the beer on the ground outside and tossed all the bottles.

Thursday 6-28-12
We went to the Schibers in the morning to do some service.  All i did was TILL!!! YES!!! It was great.  I love tilling.  But it was like tilling concrete.  So it was kind of annoying.  But it was a lot of fun.  They fed us lunch and that was good.

We went out and picked up a few things.  We were supposed to have an appointment with that new investigator in Paso but she wasn't home! AGH! that's like 24 miles for nothing!  So we came back and looked for something to do. i cant remember what we ended up doing? We were supposed to have a lesson with Deborah but she wasn't feeling well.

Then we went to the Weavers for dinner.  They had Rachael Argento who is a little girl who is getting ready to be baptized there.  We have been teaching her as a favor to the bishop and this was her last lesson on tithing.  It went really well and she's asked me to baptize her.  She gets baptized... the 20th?  so that will be cool.

Then we went to the dollar tree and bought a whole bunch of poster boards and came home and made a whole bunch of encouraging posters for Deborah.  I was up late finishing them off.

Friday 6-29-12
We went to weekly planning which was good.  Came back and changed to go do some service for brother Barrett.  When we got to his house he wasn't there but his Granddaughter was home ((:D  and so we went out and fed the mule and goats and stuff with her and her cousins while we waited for her grandpa to get back.  When he got home we buried a trench and dug out a pipe.  It was pretty cool i guess. It was really hot so i was sweating to death but i like that kind of weather.  Then we sat inside and ate a whole bunch of junk food and got to know them a  bit better. it was loads of fun.  They have a house full of mentally challenged girls that they look after and they are all so awesome.

Then our dinner cancelled so we decided to eat at Toxic Belch which was good.  We then went and saw a woman for bishop.  He wanted us to go check up on her.  She's cool.  She's an MMA fighter.  Livin' her dream.  Really nice lady. 

Then we went to a Less active family we had never met before.  The Burgeson's.  They are really cool.  Invited us in, we talked for a good while.  Got to know them and left them with a prayer.  It was really awesome.

Saturday 6-30-12
Saturday was just one of those days where we never got into Pros clothes at all.  IN the morning we had sports at the church.  We played volleyball with the youth.  And The Barrett's granddaughter ((:D came with some of the special girls.  one is a down syndrome girl named Jill and i helped her serve the volleyball for our team.  It was so much fun.  She was so happy when we won the game.  It was a pretty good turnout too.  And Jill is now in love with me and she calls me her boyfriend and tells me she loves me every time she sees me.

After that we got in our service clothes, went to brother Gouff's and helped cut up that big tree we started with Brother Burgard.  We got a lot of it done and they pulled the rest of the tree down with his truck.  Which took them a really long time.  Our dinner appointment picked us up at the place we were working at.  Clear out in the boonies ha ha and then they brought us back after too.  The Willardson's.  They are a pretty cool family.  When we got back to the Work Site we took the wood back and put it on his pile and then went back to his place where they took a big chunk of wood.  Sawed it down to size, and sealed it to dry so Elder Wood can make a guitar out of it.  And now its sitting in our closet..... but it was cool because i sat there with Kenny (who is doing much better from the heart attack) and i helped him repackage his Invention "the gopher snake" because the Chinese didn't pack it right.  So we have to take them all out and repack them.  I love kickin' it with those old guys though in their shop.  They are stinkin' awesome.

Then on our way home we took the garbage out for one of our members.

Sunday 7-1-12
It was a good day.  In Templeton ward our new investigator came to church.  She even brought her sister!  We also had 2 less active youth come! It was pretty good!

Then in Atascadero first ward we had 2 investigators show up and one of our members daughters brought her boyfriend and he has told her he wants to get baptized so we will start the discussions with him TODAY at dinner.  Overall it was a good/busy day at church.  And it was fast Sunday.  I had a major head ache like all fast Sundays.  But it was worth it.  Our investigators really like the testimony meeting too which is always somewhat sketchy... you never know when a member is going to blurt out "AND THATS WHEN I CAME TO THE CONCLUSION THAT PEPSI IS OF THE DEVIL" ya know? so i'm glad it went well.

After that we went to the Houseman's for dinner and they made us some REALLY good grub! I loved it.  The Houseman's are one of those families that take you in as one of their own kids.  They are the best kind of members! 

Anyways that is pretty much it i think.  I'm still really horrible at keeping a journal... Something i NEED to do.  But it's a dying habit for me ha ha.  Oh well.  I hope you guys are all doing good and have a great week this week.  I look forward to hearing from you all!


Elder Samuel Crapo

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